趙博士 |
通過了 defense 最後一關,完成了研究所生涯,趙博士準備啟程到另一個地方開始新的階段。不過在離開 aa 之前,照 monica 的說法,「大業未成」,趁著最後機會,找上這個三更半夜還留在實驗室的台獨份子,好好聊聊。

講 來講去,其實說穿了,強權崛起,美日中角力(武力)競逐,絆腳石與墊步階的差別。「二十一世紀是中國人的世紀」,在他身上倒像是種魔箍,不斷加乘 那十九二十世紀,眾人與我為敵的另一個咒怨。他說對於中國「窮兵黷武」的形象,是我被李登輝、陳水扁和當然的幕後黑手—美國給洗腦了,但是從他的口中實在 很難理解中國的寬大為懷在哪裡(雖然他不斷地強調)。印度的邊境爭議、日本的重振旗鼓、似乎台灣獨立接著便是美國大兵踏上中國;我想種種似乎都是種邏 輯,但卻回到了某個還在馬騎沙場的年代。如果所謂崛起只是另一個霸權思維,和平共存的可能性都很難接受,那說服我一起統治地球,可能比爭論台灣是不 是個國家更快達到統一的目的。

前前後後又來往了一些 email,其中我覺得最有趣的是他看到這則新聞後的一封,慷慨激昂,我卻看得苦笑連連。這是他回覆的第二封
the "gloabl trading system" was centered on China then, not on holland or anyother western countries. There were lots of Japan pirates because Ming was reluctant to do business with Japan, hence then had to obtain by grabbing. they were far away from civilization and could not make the products by themselve. so was the westerners. Portugal wanted to see the king of ming but was refused. then it bugan to steal and grab. in 1552, it obtained macau by half bribing & half cheating. then they settled down and gave 20,000+ per year tax to ming. by saying this, i mean i doubt the contribution of holland to taiwan--AT THAT TIME. their easilybeing chased away also proved this.
也 許他的咒怨不僅止於這一百多年…趙博士已經在新的城市安定了下來,看著尚未回覆的最後兩封 email,也不知道該跟他說些什麼。雖然說有時候我也蠻基本教義的,但是總是習慣去聽聽不同的聲音,腦力激盪。遇上最最最遠的另一端,我成功了嗎?我也 不知道,只是覺得很累而已。